Building 13 14,616.91 m²
Divided in 2 modules

· 7,333.85 m² Leased
· 7,283.06 m² Available

Clear height
35 ft  (10.66 m)

Bay size
40 x 60 ft  (12 x18m)

Office spaces
3% building area (218.4 m²)

 Roof System
KR-18, 24 gauge sheet & 
3” fiberglass insulation

Natural Lighting
5% Skylight

Ventilation system
2 changes per hour

Fire protection
Cabinet and hoses – ready for sprinkler

LED (100 Lux)

Concrete Slab
Thickness 6” and load capacity 0.5 ton/SF

Tilt-up wall (concrete)

Parking spots

Loading Docks
38 docks

Ground  Level Ramps
4 ramps

Building 17
38,848.12 m²

Clear height
35 ft  (10.66 m)

LED (100 Lux)

Bay size
40 x 60 ft  (12 x18m)

Concrete Slab
Thickness 6” and load
capacity 0.5 ton/SF

Office spaces
3% building area (218.4 m²)

Tilt-up wall (concrete)

Roof System
KR-18, 24 gauge sheet & 3” fiberglass insulation

Parking spots

Natural Lighting
5% Skylight


Loading Docks
38 docks

Ventilation system
2 changes per hour


Ground  Level Ramps
4 ramps

Fire protection
Cabinet and hoses 
– ready for sprinkler

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